Thursday, April 12, 2012

When Helping Hurts

Last year I read the book When Helping Hurts by Steve Corbett and Brian Fikkert. It has really changed my perspective on poverty is ways that I am still just now discovering. This book has helped Tim and I have a better grasp on why we need to help alleviate poverty and how to do it in a way that is honoring to God and values the people we are trying to help. This book is great at describing how people who are suffering from poverty think about themselves and the world around them. I really like the description of how the fall of man has affected our different relationships.

I have to admit that up until a few years ago I served the poor and gave money out of obedience to God. While I cared for the people I was helping, I didn't understand that what I was doing could end up dishonoring them and making them feel worse than before. I also admit that much of my work was done with a bit of a god complex. I was deigning to go out of my way to help someone. Instead I should have realized that I had no right to see these people as less than me. By swooping in and saving the day with my time and money I thought I could save someone single handedly (obviously my pride got in the way, but I am using a bit of hyperbole). As you know, this is wrong since only God is the great provider. My attitude kept me from acknowledging His work in me and those He used me to help. Praise God, that I have been saved from those selfish ways.

This book is a must read for anyone who cares about missions work. It is a quick read and is easy to understand. Here is the like to the website created for WHH.

Monday, January 2, 2012

Giving Thanks

After taking down all our Christmas decorations, I finally took down the tree of thanks our family made this November. Some of the leaves were funny like when we decided that the thing J was most thankful for was his feet. Of course we also had the Sunday school answers like God and Jesus. Here are some of the unique responses the boys gave when I asked them what they were thankful for:

S (3yo): Aha
The Moon
Green Mountain

R (5yo): Our baby

You can see that S tends to be our dreamer while R is more practical!