Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Memory Verse

My memory verse for the last half of this month Psalm 103 17-19

"But the steadfast love of the LORD is from everlasting to everlasting on those who fear him, and his righteousness to children’s children, to those who keep his covenant and remember to do his commandments.
The LORD has established his throne in the heavens, and his kingdom rules over all."

I've been reading Mary's Magnificat in Luke and she refers to these verses either directly or indirectly through out the passage. Mary's reaction to the angel when she was told she would have a baby was one of acceptance that the Lord is sovereign and he knew what he was doing. I also like the part about how the Lord's love is everlasting through the children because of the parent's faith.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

When I think about the Lord...

When S was between 18 months to 2 years we started going to the pool at the YMCA. He loved the water and watching R play around him. One of his favorite things to do was to slowly walk in from the shallow end and step into deeper and deeper. It was so much fun to watch him discover how the water moved and how his body responded to it. There was only one problem with this "game": He didn't know the water was dangerous when it was deeper than he was. At some point I would have to pick him up and put him back in the shallow end.

This picture came to mind this morning when we sang the song "When I think about the Lord" at the part that went "...When I Think about the Lord, how He picked me up and turned me around, how He placed my feet on solid ground ..."

Monday, March 7, 2011

Saint George and the Dragon

I came home with a picture book for the boys about Saint George. The pictures are beautiful and they love to look at them even when I'm not reading it to them. At the end of the story the dragon is dead and Saint George gets to marry Princess Una. I do find it a bit funny that they only care about the dragon and how it died. They don't care a bit for the last page that shows them living happily ever after. I guess two and four year old boys just want to see a good battle and that is satisfying enough.

Boys will be boys

R is my four and a half year old who is all boy. He needs a good run before I can get any sort of productivity out of him. The other day he managed to knock his teeth backwards when he hit his mouth on his daddy's knee while they were on the trampoline. It was a bloody mess.

Though at the time it seemed so traumatic, we all made it through okay. He just has crooked front teeth until his permanents come a few years from now. I'm sure this is the first of many injuries to come. It's hard to see your kid get hurt, I just have to remember that it's all a part of growing up.

Poor little OCD S

So S is my second child who is only two and a half. Over the past few months he has refused to cooperate when we ask him to do just about anything. This has been quite frustrating for us. At first I was convinced that he is fighting to be top dog in the house, but that may not be so true. My good friend, who watched the boys last week, said that she noticed he seemed to get upset and throw fits over the way things are presented to him. For instance, she gave him four grapes and he was happy. Then she noticed that whole grapes could be a choking hazard so she cut them in half. When she gave them back to him, poor little S just burst into tears. Now, I don't think he would be clinically diagnosed as OCD, but he does seem to have these tendencies.

I think I'm going to have to change the way I respond to him. Though I shouldn't cater to his every whim, it makes sense to me that I should have a little grace for him and let him have some things his way. Who cares if he is determined to have his laundry basket in the same place always or if his books aren't arranged the way I would like them. Maybe by cutting him a little slack it will be easier to guide and direct him when it matters.