Saturday, May 7, 2011

The Alabama Tornadoes

I have to admit that I've been silent for the past two weeks because I really don't know what to say. I live in Northern Alabama so for the last week and a half I've been focusing on the tornadoes that hit our area. I thank God that our family was only affected by the power outages. We didn't lose our house and all of us are safe. Tim has been off work since that day because there is no power at his office. In a way it has been nice to have over a week of family time.

It has been hard watching the new lately because Alabama's devastation has already been wiped away by news of Bin Laden's death and the royal wedding. We still have lots of work to do to clear up the mess that the many tornadoes left behind.

Here is a link to how you can comfort kids who have been victims of the storms on 4/27. If you are in the Huntsville area contact me before Wednesday, May 11 and I will get the boxes to where they need to go.

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