Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Help Bring a Little Girl Home to Her Family

About six months ago, World Magazine did an entire issue on the concept of Calling. They had a wide variety of articles on people who have been called by God to certain vocations or to start a charitable foundation that helps a poor section of a community. Besides these kinds of pieces, they also did some on a Christian's calling to help those less fortunate.

The one that stood out to me the most was about the Rosenow family who were called by God to adopt 14 disabled children of various nationalities and ages. They lead a life that is very demanding financially, physically, and emotionally. The thing that stood out the most for me was how there was no way this family could have adopted this way of life unless the church community around them also felt called to support them in their lifestyle. To give you and idea, four churches have families that provide a meal a month which saves them $400 a month. Each of their adoptions were also paid for mostly by the Christian community that surrounds them.

This article really shifted my thinking about adoption. I always assumed that if a family is called to adopt it was their family business. Now I've come to realize that one of the ways for the Christian Church to practice "Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless...to look after orphans..." (James 1:27) is to support families who are called to adopt. This means that not only should the adopting family sacrifice to provide a home for their orphan child, but the Christian community around them is also called to sacrifice their time, money, etc to help that family take care of their new child.

With all this in mind, a family in my Church, the Houser Family, came forward to announce they intended on adopting a little girl from the Ukraine. This family is called to bring an orphan into their family so now we need to help support them in it. She is four years old and in danger of being sent to a mental institution if she isn't adopted soon. They need your help. The family still has to raise about 20,000 dollars before they can get her. If you can donate Delta Skymiles, that will go a long way to reducing the costs of their travel. Also, they will be holding a yard sale on May 14th so if anyone in Huntsville has anything to donate, it would be much appreciated.

For information on how to help the Houser Family adopt their little girl please visit this website.


  1. If anyone has trouble navigating to the other website please contact me and I will help you get in touch with the Housers.

  2. Thank you Amy :) In light of the devastating events from last week we feel anything anyone would have given to a yard sale should be donated to those in our community who have lost everything...we dont know now how we will raise the money for Sveta but trust the Lord that He will provide a way. And yes, our views have shifted so much on the area of adoption as well.. as the Lord has shown us His heart...its not a calling..its a commandment for us all to be hands and feet...not all of us are asked to adopt but we must ALL play a part in God's command to care for orphans. Thank you for helping spread the word not just for our family, our Sveta, but for the millions of children here in the US and around the world the Lord is commanding us to care for.
